Precision Flyer Repairs is closed until further notice.
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Onsite Layout Assistance

With Onsite Layout Assistance (OLA), I visit and review your layout, provide my assessment, suggestions, recommendations, and take what troubleshooting/remedial actions are within reason at the time. Additional sessions can be scheduled accordingly.
OLA can be a single session or multiple meetings at different times throughout your layout journey. The focus can be on planning or getting started with a new layout, optimizing the operation of an existing layout, or future enhancements and expansion.
Areas of specialization include conventional/transformer, Legacy, TMCC, DCC, and DC operations. Click here to read an article published by the New York Central System Historical Society on my layout. Also see the February 2017 edition of Classic Toy Trains magazine for an article published there on it as well (pages 56-61).
OLA Pricing:
OLA can be a single session or multiple meetings at different times throughout your layout journey. The focus can be on planning or getting started with a new layout, optimizing the operation of an existing layout, or future enhancements and expansion.
Areas of specialization include conventional/transformer, Legacy, TMCC, DCC, and DC operations. Click here to read an article published by the New York Central System Historical Society on my layout. Also see the February 2017 edition of Classic Toy Trains magazine for an article published there on it as well (pages 56-61).
OLA Pricing:
- $X per hour for service and travel
- $X per mile driven
- OLA is presently not available for club layouts
- OLA is a private 1:1 advisory service conducted with you as the owner and operator of the layout, no groups
- Verbal assessment and recommendations are provided throughout the session. Written summaries are available at additional cost